Know Your Worth

Numbers 27:4-7 4 Why should the name of our father disappear from his clan just because he had no sons? Give us property along with the rest of our relatives.”
5 So Moses brought their case before the Lord. 6 And the Lord replied to Moses, 7 “The claim of the daughters of Zelophehad is legitimate. You must give them a grant of land along with their father’s relatives. Assign them the property that would have been given to their father.
Ladies, have you ever read a passage of Scripture that just seemed to jump off the page of your bible right into the center of your heart? Have you ever read a passage of Scripture that just brought liberty to your soul and enlightenment to your understanding?
This is what this passage of Scripture in Numbers 27 did for me today.
Now, it is not the first time that I have read it. It is not the first time that I have heard of it. I have heard sermons preached on it more times than I can count. However, today, it became more than just a bible story; more than just a scripture. It became relevant to my current situation! It became an ASSIGNMENT!!!
Let me explain. You see for a couple of years now I have been working on some new avenues in my life. I have been working on areas to expand my gifts and abilities. One of the main reasons is so I can secure a better financial foundation for my future. NO I AM NOT TOO OLD TO THINK THIS WAY!
In order for some of these things to happen, I will have to charge money for my services. I will have to move beyond simply accepting what people give me for what they think I am worth. Or what they think my services are worth. I fully understood this mentally but I kept getting stuck when it was time to set the price point. Why was this so difficult for me?
Imagine how deeply my heart sunk when Holy Spirit began to uncover the real reason for my hesitation. He said to me, “You question your worth. You hesitate charging others what you cannot currently afford yourself. It’s that mindset or that perspective that causes you to devalue yourself and your services. YOU ARE AFRAID TO CLAIM WHAT IS YOURS!”
Oh, my!!! Holy Spirit was right on point. I began to look back over the numbers that I was wrestling with in setting my price points. I knew the work that I had put in. I knew that I gave my best and my all. I had even paid for others work or material that was far less presentable than mine. And yet, even with this knowledge, I would always choose something that I could personally afford. My thinking was, if I couldn’t afford it, neither could anyone else. If I was not willing to pay a certain price for something, neither would anyone else. I was sabotaging my own success!!
So, when I read Numbers 27:4 Why should the name of our father disappear from his clan just because he had no sons? Give us property along with the rest of our relatives.”, I knew this text of Scripture was for me. I knew Holy Spirit was telling me that I have to be as bold as these daughters were in going after what was rightfully theirs. They challenged the systems of that day, and took the courageous step of stating what they wanted. They did not ASK for it, they demanded it. They were more than courageous, they were confident.
I remember years ago watching this kind of confidence in action. My sister has owned her own beauty salon for years. One day, I was there visiting and a lady walked in inquiring about a particular service that she wanted done. This lady was new and had never been serviced by my sister before. As she stated what she wanted, she then asked what it would cost. When my sister gave her the price, the lady said it was too much. Without any hesitation, compromise, or further discussion, my sister’s polite reply was simply, “Well, that’s my price.”
I didn’t know how the stranger was going to respond, but I knew that my sister had said all she planned to say on the matter. The lady said thank you and picked up her things and left. I asked my sister if she felt like she had just lost a potential client. She said, “Girl, no, I know how much my work is worth!
In our text, the daughters of Zelophehad knew that they were worthy of the land that belonged to their father. If they didn’t know, they would not have demanded it. If they were wrong, God would not have backed them up. 5 So Moses brought their case before the Lord. 6 And the Lord replied to Moses, 7 “The claim of the daughters of Zelophehad is legitimate. You must give them a grant of land along with their father’s relatives. Assign them the property that would have been given to their father.
As humbling as it is for me to be this transparent with you, I know that I am not the only one who is lagging behind in some area simply because you have not come into agreement or alignment with how worthy you really are. I am not the only one who gets stuck on what the system says I can have or can do. I am not the only one who has believed the lie that some territories can only be claimed by men!
Let me tell you, ladies, God has our back!! If you will just step out and obey God; if you will step up to the enemy who is intimidating you; if you will speak up for what is yours, God will give you His full backing!!! He’s just waiting on you…and me!!!